Tuesday 17 November 2020

Newspapers: Introduction

1) What type of news can you typically find in a tabloid newspaper? 

They include more smaller, shorter and concise  information with more basic information, They mostly contain gossip, showbiz, lifestyles and sports, They usually cover it with pictures and have some sort of emotive language to it.

2) What type of news can you typically find in a broadsheet newspaper?

They are bigger in size and have more advanced language which may require a higher reading age for their readers. Longer sentences and paragraphs, with a less emotive language feeling, more about politics, international culture, sport all for information purposes with less entertainment.

3) If someone is left-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read?

Socialists, they would most likely read newspapers like the tabloid newspaper like daily mirror.

4) If someone is right-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read?

Conservatives, they would most likely read newspaper like the broadsheet newspaper like The Times.

5) Why has there been a decline in newspaper sales in the last 20 years?

The physical print copies of the newspaper have gone down in sales as more of the news has started to appear on the new technology like phones and computers, they can access their phones anywhere so it makes it more convenient for them. 

6) Why is a free press important in a democracy like the UK?

Because they can express any kind of things that they find or take pictures of, it shows a more diverse perspective also they can show the public the truth or the real meaning behind the picture and how it can affect the reader compared to how it would affect the person's reputation on them.

Which newspapers have been worst hit by Covid-19? 

There are many different newspapers being affected as some of them are remaining on paper so the ones that haven't moved from paper to digital have been hit worst due to risk of infection as the physical touch or things they do could potentially spread the virus.

Which newspapers are trying to move their readers from print to digital? Why is the switch to digital attractive for newspaper companies?

The times as they have a fee of £1.80 for people who go on the website and £1.10 for their subscribers, this is a good move for them as technology develops more then it starts to get used more so not only do they still get money they still get people reading them on something they use most of the time.

Do you think newspapers will survive Covid-19? Why?

There may be a small chance but the whole covid, no physical with things or people would affect it the most, but they may still print it and then people may still want to read it.

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