Thursday 26 November 2020

TV assessment - Learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full - WWW & EBI. You do not have to write your mark and grade if you don't want to.

WWW: Q2 was a decent attempt at the extended question, you managed to discuss some issues as to why Doctor who was more successful then Class e.g diversity across series e.g 13th female doctor.

EBI: You need to prepare better for Q1.2 and !1.3 questions, your responses need to analyse the clips is much more detail, make sure you are highlighting keywords in the question.

Revise key terminology e.g intertextuality.

2) Write a definition for intertextuality to make sure you know this terminology.
When a media text or product references another text to engage an audience further.

3) Write a list of narrative theories that you could have used for question 1.2. How do these relate to Class? You can refer to the extract or any other moment in episode 4 of Class.
Todorov's, Propp's, Barthes, theories and mise en scene to link theories towards it.

4) How do the four aspects of Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory apply to Class? Give specific examples from episode 4 of Class.
Identity: It is aimed at young adults and it tries to relate to them by using phones, cars and other objects to show the similar things that the audience has.

5) Write a plan for question 2 in the assessment - the 20-mark essay on social and cultural contexts. Use the mark scheme to help you and aim to plan an introduction, conclusion and at least three detailed paragraphs.

Viewpoints, whether you agree or disagree, commenting on The entire CSP episodes, applying LIAR, comparing the modern vs the older version compare issues show how diversity is used throughout, 

6) What topics do you need to revise for next week's PPE? List at least three topics, theories or CSPs.
Planning on TV possibly Doctor who or class, terminology based on the episodes/series, mise en scene, LIAR, Revise CSP's, theories.

Newspapers: Daily Mirror - Language and Audience


1) Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages:

Masthead: The title of the newspaper
Pug:A sentence of line that will catch the reader's eye
Splash Head: A dominant line that is big in order to be read clearly along with it to show what it is 
Slogan:Sums up the ethos/purpose of the newspaper
Dateline:Shows the date that the newspaper was published
Kicker:The story at the top of the paper to catch the reader's eye
Byline:Gives the name of the article publisher
Standfirst: introductory  paragraph that is usually in bold

2) How much does a copy of the Daily Mirror cost?
3) What are the main stories on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror (see above)?
They are mostly about the royal family and some things about celebrities and some information about the world health problems
4) Why is the choice of news stories on the Mirror CSP front page typical of a tabloid newspaper?
To catch the eye of readers, because of the red top and tabloids don't usually contain lots of information at the bottom.
5) What is the balance on the Daily Mirror front page between images, headlines and text?
The Daily mirror is overflown by images and large titles in bold, they don't usually contain much but usually its used to catch the eye of the reader so they think that it is interesting for them to read.


1) What is the target audience for the Daily Mirror?
Their target audience is people in a working class as they make the newspaper 80 p also it could be for younger adults as there is a website for them to go to so that they can go and then they can go to the website to find the latest news that the daily mirror puts out for them.
2) Why does the Mirror front page story appeal to the Daily Mirror audience?
The daily mirror audience of working class people as they usually enjoy forms of gossip or something to do with other people or things that they aspire to be, do or get.
3) Why might a reader enjoy the Daily Mirror? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory to add detail to your answer. Because they include some sort of information to the reader and then they use mostly some sort of entertainment, some of the gossip stories could cause some sort of relationship or being the same with the reader.

4) Why are print newspapers generally read by older audiences?
Because it is something that they are used to and then it's more convenient for them to use as newer technology may be more confusing towards them and then
5) How is the 'Wills and Harry royal rift' story on the double page spread constructed to appeal to Daily Mirror readers? 
Because of the title that covers most of the paper and the giant paparazzi shot of the royal family members, the size shows the importance of the picture/title also its news on the royal family so it has a better reason for it to take up the page.

Grade 8/9 extension tasks

Read this Guardian column on the Mirror's struggles with covering Brexit. How did the Mirror suggest people vote in the EU referendum and how did many of its working class audience actually vote?
They used creative jokes/ puns to show the public that they should chose a certain a side, they created pledges and reason on why they should, they tried to prove a point on how brexit is broken. They also use other stories and link them to a certain areas/ things.

Guardian Media critic Roy Greenslade writes about why tabloid newspapers like the Mirror are struggling to attract younger readers in this column. Make a note of some of the key statistics in this article and also what Greenslade thinks tabloids should do to stay relevant in the digital age. This column also has an excellent discussion of the Mirror's political stance which is ideal to grade 9 answers.
In order for the newspaper to stay relevant they must move their paper to digital, they need to add more intriguing news and not make it seem too much like fake news, relate more to their audience, they should have a social media accounts so that their ease of access for their audience would make them much more relevant.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Newspapers: Introduction

1) What type of news can you typically find in a tabloid newspaper? 

They include more smaller, shorter and concise  information with more basic information, They mostly contain gossip, showbiz, lifestyles and sports, They usually cover it with pictures and have some sort of emotive language to it.

2) What type of news can you typically find in a broadsheet newspaper?

They are bigger in size and have more advanced language which may require a higher reading age for their readers. Longer sentences and paragraphs, with a less emotive language feeling, more about politics, international culture, sport all for information purposes with less entertainment.

3) If someone is left-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read?

Socialists, they would most likely read newspapers like the tabloid newspaper like daily mirror.

4) If someone is right-wing, which political party are they likely to support? Which newspaper would they be likely to read?

Conservatives, they would most likely read newspaper like the broadsheet newspaper like The Times.

5) Why has there been a decline in newspaper sales in the last 20 years?

The physical print copies of the newspaper have gone down in sales as more of the news has started to appear on the new technology like phones and computers, they can access their phones anywhere so it makes it more convenient for them. 

6) Why is a free press important in a democracy like the UK?

Because they can express any kind of things that they find or take pictures of, it shows a more diverse perspective also they can show the public the truth or the real meaning behind the picture and how it can affect the reader compared to how it would affect the person's reputation on them.

Which newspapers have been worst hit by Covid-19? 

There are many different newspapers being affected as some of them are remaining on paper so the ones that haven't moved from paper to digital have been hit worst due to risk of infection as the physical touch or things they do could potentially spread the virus.

Which newspapers are trying to move their readers from print to digital? Why is the switch to digital attractive for newspaper companies?

The times as they have a fee of £1.80 for people who go on the website and £1.10 for their subscribers, this is a good move for them as technology develops more then it starts to get used more so not only do they still get money they still get people reading them on something they use most of the time.

Do you think newspapers will survive Covid-19? Why?

There may be a small chance but the whole covid, no physical with things or people would affect it the most, but they may still print it and then people may still want to read it.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Class: Audience and Industry


1) What were the viewing figures for Class and why do you think it did so badly?
It did so badly because it was shown on BBC three which didn't have a large amount of people watching the channel, also as it was aimed at young adults, at the time of release they would have used their phone more to watch things and only a recorded amount of 250,000 people only went on BBC i Player.
2) What audience psychographic groups might particularly enjoy Class?
 It would be mainly aimed at explorers because they are more encouraged to complete their quest and it includes lots of action for them which they enjoy and it creates a sense of being very prepared or some sort of adrenaline rush.
3) What audience pleasures are offered by Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

Personal Identity:April(student) playing an instrument, concerned parents of April, and Ram (protective over children)

Personal Relationships:Want to see what will happen to April or how she will succeed.

Diversion (Escapism):Shadow Realm(links to si-fi)

Surveillance (Information / Facts):discovers what April's father is back and shares a heart with Corakinus.

4) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart?

Visceral pleasures: shadow realm (unknown location)

Vicarious pleasures: intrigued to see if April can defeat Corakinus

Voyeuristic pleasures: binary oppositions (earth and shadow realm (alien world) experiences aliens and their lives.

5) How did fans in the 'Whoniverse' (also known as 'Whovians') react to Class? Watch the fan reaction video (and read the YouTube comments) on the Class notes blogpost or check the comments in the extension articles below to help with this.

people's reaction to the show was a positive reaction as Class is a spin-off of doctor who so there are character and objects that may appear in the show, it also has a similar si-fi feel to it making it more interesting, but it is more modern meaning that there may be some things which don't fit too much into the si-fi genre and may spoil the experience for them, but overall they did enjoy Class.


1) What was the objective of BBC3 when it was launched?
It is to bring younger audiences to high quality public services.
2) Why did BBC3 go online-only in February 2016? 
Because it wasn't fit for TV as it included many different things that may violate some terms and services of the watershed hours and rules.
3) How does Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart meet the BBC's mission statement to 'inform, educate and entertain'?

The entertain bit and some of educate as si-fi can include some sort of information also for the entertain the si-fi is already entertaining, also there are things in the series that are showing some sort of audience pleasures.

4) How did the distribution of Class contribute to the failure of the show with audiences?
The release got only 1 million people watching it, then they later started to decrease and they even struggled to get even half a million of people watching the later series.
5) What advertising and marketing was used to try and promote Class to an audience? Why do you think this wasn't very successful?
First it was only on BBC three (before it was taken to online-only) they even showed it on BBC one, this wasn't very successful as there weren't many younger audiences on BBC one and then the popularity of it started to drop down to where they couldn't recover from the damage.

Comparison: An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart

1) How are the technical conventions different between 1963 Doctor Who and 2016 Class (e.g. camerawork, editing, sound and mise-en-scene)?
The Class VFX and SFX are more advanced in Class, in the 1963 Doctor Who they had it so that they didn't even have any effects.
2) What similarities and differences are there between An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart in terms of the science-fiction genre?

It has all kinds of things of being transported to alien worlds or places, the TARDIS is included in both of the shows, some differences would be that one is more modern than the other one having trouble with family and another with teachers.

3) What similarities and differences are there between An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart in terms of how they meet the BBC's remit to inform, educate and entertain?
It is mostly entertain and a bit of educate as, si-fi contains some sort of education as there is some sort of science happening and some realistic possibilities but it is mostly entertain as it is something that someone would watch in their spare time or something that they like.

4) How are representations of people, places and groups similar or different in the two shows?
They show that both modern and people back in the time all had problems with family and teachers and how they deal with them or how they have people who are against them.
5) What similarities and differences can you find in terms of the audience pleasures for An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart?They both include parts of where the TARDIS is involved in both of the series, some characters like the doctor reappearing and the school is set in a more modern version of Unearthly Child's school: "Coal high school" in Class.

Grade 8/9 extension tasks and reading

Read this Digital Spy feature on why Class was cancelled after only one series. Do you agree with its criticisms regarding scheduling, audience and character development?
I think it is very accurate as we can see right now where and how Class is doing, it shows the failure of the series and then it talks about how they didn't even know their own target audience and how the series was shown in a way where it even surprised the director his own self.

This Guardian review of Class is much more positive - but the comments 'below the line' (BTL) are largely critical. Do you agree with the original review or the comments - and why?
I think that they go into depth of what the show is and how it failed, they show reasons and support them and give their opinion on how they think it did and what they could have done to do better, so in a way I would agree with their reasoning.

Read this Den of Geek fan review of Co-owner of a Lonely Heart. Do you agree with the praise and criticism in it and why?
Their logic and reasoning is sensible and can support things of how the episodes feel like "we skipped many episodes" only to be on the fourth episode and how it doesn't scare their viewers and how the lack of suspense is in the series.

Finally, read this Indiewire feature on Class. It contains plenty of references to other films and TV shows (intertextuality) - what popular culture references can you find in this article?

There are characters from other popular shows that have many viewers on them, (obviously) they have bits form Doctor Who and objects and things from the show into Class. They try to compare or fit in with their viewers by doing things that they like or usually do.

Coursework: Film pitch

  1) What will be the title of your own original NEW horror film? If you're not sure, write down two or three possible titles and you ca...