Sunday 14 June 2020

OSP & Videogames: An introduction

1) What were the first videogames like?
They were simple, games like pong was just a game about hitting a ball from one panel to another and seeing who could get the highest score. another one would be the Atari breakout where you would break the blocks and you would keep doing it until they cleared off.
2) How have videogames changed over time?
They have changed massively as they introduce new concepts of the different games, most have become a game where you need a computer which can run games at a very high speculation.
3) What do the most successful games have in common? Answer this in as much detail as you can. Think about audience pleasures - what do people like about playing videogames?
The concept of the game, so games like fortnite have many other bootlegs or games similar like PUBG (Player Unknown Battle Grounds), they both have the same concept of last person standing wins kind of aspect, they also run on the same engine (unreal engine) which makes some aspects of the game run similarly and perform in certatin ways
4) What criticisms have been made towards videogames over the years? Here's a good article on the impact of videogames on players that might be helpful.
there isn't really any criticism its actually supporting the benefits of games instead of agreeing with people who say that "video games cause violence" ect. it does include some downsides to it but the amount of information that they put makes it so that it can actually help people, video games dont change anything phytologically bad but can actually make their hand and eye coordination better,

Read this Guardian feature from about the sensationally popular videogame Fortnite: Battle Royale and watch the original trailer below.

Now answer the following questions:

1) How many Fortnite players are there worldwide? Here's an updated article with recent figures for you.
200 millioin +
2) Why is it so popular? What are the audience pleasures of the game?
it is a battle royale game, also known as last person standing wins, although it is a shooter game it shows no other form of violence as there ins no blood or anything linked to that, it has a cartoon styled graphics so it is more appealing to the eye of people, this takes away the some violence aspect, so thats why it is rated PEGI 12 but it was made for kids because of all of the cartoon-like characters    
3) Why might some people criticise Fortnite?
take an audience of people who criticise the game the people who say that it should be banned because it is addicting and causing violent behaviour as it is a shooter, they complain about fortnite specifically when they haven't really played the game which makes them some sort of a passive audience
4) Copy and paste two comments from 'below the line' of the Guardian article - these are comments written by Guardian readers in response to the feature. Select one comment you agree with and one you disagree with and explain why.

Said by on person: "I limit my children to only playing the Playstation at the weekends. Simple."

said by another: terrible idea

"1) your kids will grow up despising you
2) they will see you'd rather they be bored and miserable then do what they enjoy just cause you object to it and resent you for it
3) Computer games naturally get them more engaged in computing which leads being interested in Science and engineering
4) a game like this teaches co-operation, creativity, social skills, problem solving and a competitive spirit
5) if they do well at the game they earn a sense of confidence
6) their friends likely play it, and you've just isolated them from their friends making them shut-ins and removing their sense of confidence as everyone they know takes part through the week and you've limited them to the weekend
7) any homework or studying goes better with allotted breaks else it becomes an unbearable task and they learn nothing
8) let them do what they want, its only way they will really learn and develop"

"I'll add, if I'm missing something then I'm happy to be enlightened and give it another go, comments below seem to indicate a lot of people (adults included) think it's quite good. I'm guessing it could have improved in some of the recent patches so I might try it out again one evening."

I agree with both of these statements as this shows that video games can be very enjoyable and doesn't cause violence, this just shows that if you try it then you will like it or you will know what it is like and then later you can talk about it, then and only then you can criticise it.

Grade 8/9 extension tasks

Read this news story reporting that Prince Harry has called for Fortnite to be banned. Why does the Prince think Fortnite producer Epic Games is irresponsible?

He thinks that it is irresponsible because it is too addicting and it is a game about eliminating others until you are the last person left, this makes him think it is very violent, he also said that it is more addicting than alcohol  and drug, well at least this is a game and it isn't making everyone an addict to harmful substances. I think that epic games is a responsible company they keep everything family friendly for the kids so that they can play without having anyone say that it is bad for them but there are many people who criticise the game for being violent because it contains weapons.

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