Wednesday 27 November 2019

Industry and audience power essay


In this essay I would like to explain why the internet has given audience more power this is by how the audience have achieved that power that the producer has given out. 
I think that the internet has given the audience more power as the producers of the internet have given the power for consumers to be the producer as it now allows them to make content of their own and people can watch what they make and produce and thank to the internet you can see it pretty much anywhere if it is in the correct platform. Examples are YouTube, twitter, Instagram etc. these allow audiences to become the producer and it allows them to control what they produce and how they produce it.

Music industry:
The music industry can make audiences producers as well, this is by the producer being able to play a certain instrument or a wide variety of instruments people can also sing which can also be classified as being in the music industry. The internet gives them much more power as they can publish their song on social media or on YouTube while on other platforms like Spotify are for well-known artists as Spotify has a paid subscription. Companies like apple music and Spotify already wield the power of the internet as they sell the song on their platforms and they are easy to access for example apple music being already installed onto you iPhone and Spotify being free to download and having a 30-day free trial and later making their customers pay a monthly fee.
People who are in “bedroom-bands” can also have lots of power due to the internet as they can start a music carrier by posting things on social media YouTube etc. as this can make the a record label artists if they qualify to be one.
Disadvantages of this would be that if the consumers are unwilling to pay the producer could ultimately collapse in their carrier or business causes of unwilling paying customers are: expensive prices, quality of music is not good, or simply because the consumer does not want to pay. If they have too much content then the consumer won’t be able to choose as there are too many choices.

Advantages of this are “re-tweets” or people sharing what they like to others, if the consumers share their favourite things to their other friends then the friends could also be interested in the music in which their friends like. This can be shared throughout the whole internet as this can boost the producer’s reputation by being seen by the whole world and it shows them what kind of content the producer produce to their consumers and customers.
Film and industry:

Back when media was accessible only to television people couldn’t go back an episode and re watch it they would have to wait for the show to come on the television when the show was aired but now day we can just go online or go to BBC i Player etc. And we can just watch the shows or things that we missed while away.

Newspaper Industry:

The news is now something we can now access from the television and the internet also via our phones etc. This makes it so that we no longer have to go out and get a newspaper from where ever they are sold or given out to this gives us the opportunity to access the news from pretty much everywhere and any time as well. This also gives power to the audience this is by being a citizen journalist, this is when you are a citizen and you record a series of events that happen outside you can even record a certain video in order to share on the internet, this makes the person a citizen journalist as they have made some kind of news and they have shared it with everyone this can make the person well known. The disadvantage to this is that this can also lead to some fake news as some recordings can be faked by the people in the video, they might have been a paid actor or someone who wants to make a story which will make them well known and when that person is well known then they will be a reliable to the people who follow that person (And not in the good way!).
So that’s why you need to go onto reliable news sources in order to get the real news this way the audience can’t be fooled, another thing is that citizen journalism can also lead to internet fights as the content that the journalist has posted is something that has been shared worldwide and it is something that the person who is in the video or starring in the video may not want the whole internet to see.

Film and TV Industry:
The thing with films and TV shows is that they can now be watched on the internet instead of going to the cinema to watch a newly released movie or a TV show instead of waiting for it on the TV you can watch on your phone or some smart device, this allow the consumer to watch it pretty much every where and if they miss a show they can just use the catch-up service or just watch a version showed on the internet or the official website like BBC i player. The disadvantages for the producers are that people may watch the TV less and use their phones to access most thing that would be shown on the TV as they can use apps like Netflix to watch movies and another thing is that any movie can now be pirated even before release or shortly after release this is a threat towards producers as they produce a movie and may not gain the maximum amount of money as these people can just go and watch a pirated version. A disadvantage for the consumers is that they can get arrested for watching pirated movies and shows as they show or movie may require paid access, consumers watching on a smaller device may experience a viewing disadvantage as the screen may be small and the movie may be intended for a larger screen this is usually affected for the people who have the pirated version.


My conclusion is that yes, the internet can make the audience powerful just by posting music, news, etc. This is due to the applications or platforms that have been created by others like YouTube, twitter, Instagram, etc. The producer or the person making the content is in power of what they want to make and what they don’t want to make to be shared around the whole internet.

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