Wednesday 6 May 2020

Music video: One Direction - History

1) How were One Direction formed and how is this reflected in the music video for History?
They were formed during the 7th series of X factor2) What is vertical integration? You may need to check your book for this (or remind yourself from this previous blogpost.)
When two companies join each other then they run the company3) What is horizontal integration? (See link above for help again!)
is when the company buys the the smaller company4) How has technological convergence changed the way audiences consume music videos?
By being on youtube and other internet websites that share music5) As a manufactured band, what influence do Simon Cowell and the record company Syco (part of Sony) have over the content and release strategy of One Direction music videos? You may want to read this text from an article in The Inquisitr about the relationship between 1D and Simon Cowell.
They show regret of some sort as Simon says "sorry for making you famous" At the time he had taken them into his team, people believed that he exploited them but them later he said that he wasn't a part of it anymore, more of a person not being invited to a party kind of thing


1) What is the main One Direction audience - demographics and psychographics?
To people who had some sort of personal identity and for people who wanted to feel some sort of nostalgia in a way that would be entertaining, this would mostly be for people who really like boy bands of some sort2) What audience pleasures are offered by the music video for History?
  • Diversion through a feeling of nostalgia
  • Personal relationships
  • Personal identity with the band members 
  • Surveillance 
  • Intertextuality 
3) Pick out three particular shots, scenes or moments in the video that would particularly appeal to One Direction fans. Why did you choose those moments? 
The part where their faces are shown in black and white, this shows that the nostalgia for people who really like the band, Another part would be the four band member as it shows that the others left or they are not there4) What is nostalgia and why is it a key audience pleasure for the History music video?
They make the consumer feels good about the time where they really enjoyed them5) How are fans positioned to respond to the video? What do the producers want One Direction fans to take from the video?
the lyrics show that that that the audience and the band members both made the people they were today and how they handled the problems that were faced
Grade 8/9 extension tasks

Read this Independent columnist writing about why she loves One Direction. What audience pleasures can you pick out from this article?
nostalgia and personal relationships and personal identityRead this Huffington Post article about the video. What extra details are provided in the article regarding the construction of the video?
It shows how them being given a second chance really changed how their lives transformed form one to another and then upon posting the history video it shows how before everyone was happy and together.Read this short Teen Vogue feature on the video. What does it suggest regarding the ending of the video?
it shows how they went their sperate ways, but in a way the name of the band shows that they may just be releasing something new and it shows how they will release one last video of them coming back together

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